When Should Your Business Update Their Security System?

Security is one of the top concerns for businesses of all sizes. With hackers striking at an alarming rate, it’s no wonder that more and more businesses are updating their security systems. But what should you do if your business doesn’t have a current security system in place? Here, we’ll discuss the various benefits of upgrading to a newer system and offer some tips on how you can go about doing so.

Locksmith Bronx Garage Door Lock system

The different types of security systems

There are many ways to secure your business, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. Here’s a look at the different types of security systems:

  1. Surveillance Systems: CCTV cameras can monitor an area constantly, recording any activity that takes place. This type of system is ideal for businesses with high-risk areas, such as retail stores or banks. The footage can be automatically reviewed to ensure compliance with security policies.
  2. Access Control Systems: These systems allow authorized personnel access to specific areas of a facility or property, while blocking unauthorized users from entering. They may use biometric ID scanning or passwords to restrict access, or they may use other authentication methods (such as RADIUS).

When should a business update their security system?

A business should update their security system – at least once a year. This is because, over time, technology advances and new methods of breaking into buildings are developed, so it’s important for businesses to keep up with the latest security measures in order to stay safe.

When looking for a professional Larchmont Locksmith service provider to help you update your security system, the most important thing is to choose one that has experience in dealing with commercial establishments. It’s also wise to ask around and look online for reviews from other customers who have used the company before. The more experience they have dealing with your specific type of building or location, the better prepared they will be when it comes time to upgrade your security systems. 


The first step in updating your business’s security system is getting an assessment done by a certified NY locksmith technician or engineer. They can assess what needs fixing within your existing setup and make recommendations on how best to proceed given any budgetary constraints you may have set out beforehand. Once this assessment has been completed, they can then provide guidance on installing additional devices such as CCTV cameras or alarm systems which can be connected directly into existing door entry systems (intercoms) already installed within the premises if applicable 

Newer types of access control technologies like biometrics (fingerprint scanners) are becoming increasingly popular as well due their enhanced level of protection against potential intruders trying gaining unauthorized access into restricted areas within a workplace environment; hence many businesses now opt for implementing them together with traditional lock-and-key solutions depending upon individual requirements/needs 

As far as maintenance goes however; regular inspection and servicing visits must still be carried out periodically regardless of what type of locking/security mechanisms were implemented initially; these generally include checking & tightening screws/nails on doors & windows jambs plus examining hinges & handles amongst others – again usually conducted every 6 months unless deemed necessary differently due particular circumstances present at any given establishment(s). Finally don’t forget about updating master keys accordingly too if need be so staff members working late shifts aren’t left without access!


Businesses of all sizes and industries should always keep up to date with the latest in security technology. By doing so, they can safeguard their valuable assets and ensure that any potential intrusions are detected and dealt with as quickly as possible. Updating your business security system is a simple way to protect yourself from potential threats and keep your business running smoothly.

Top Reasons That You Need A Commercial Tuckahoe Locksmith

Residential and commercial locksmith services have always been different. But companies that handle both services are few and far between. There are few companies like One stop Tuckahoe Locksmith. What is the reason for the need for a commercial locksmith in every business? With the passing of time, burglary and theft methods have evolved. So, the need for an improved lock and key system has also increased.

The only people who can help you and install smart locks in your facilities are some expert locksmiths. But, it’s not just about installation. It needs to be properly maintained. Here are some of the reasons behind the increasing need for a commercial Tuckahoe locksmith.

Commercial Tuckahoe Locksmith

Complex Digital Technology

Digital technology is beneficial for individuals, but it is also complex. Security is often compared with traditional methods. Microchips and software programs controlling the operation of various security devices require delicate handling. Printed circuits can be compromised by dust accumulation and rough handling, rendering the entire system dysfunctional. A Tuckahoe Locksmith such as One stop Locksmith can help get such devices back in action.


Commercial Security Beyond Keys And Locks

With the help of digital technology, business owners in modern times can monitor not just their premises, but also every aspect of their businesses. As a result of digital technology, businesses can also monitor their premises and other belongings inside the premises, record real-time events, retrieve information, and assign blame to responsible parties. Such levels of security were unimaginable a few decades ago.


Round The Clock Service

In order to ensure commercial security, locksmiths must be available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Quick resolution of security problems can minimize their impact. Such challenges can be handled on-site by a 5-star Tukahoe locksmith. Customer service will be able to assist you as soon as you contact them. The providers of these services provide mobile units that are equipped with the necessary spare parts and tools.



When moving into a new property, it is in the best interest of business owners to change locks and keys. For the protection of expensive gadgets in a new business building, you need high-security locks. Locks that are equipped with high-security locks cannot be bumped or picked. In addition, they are copy-proof, which means that employees can’t keep them without permission from the owner. The key to many of the old locks on your new premises may be in the hands of your employees, leading to a threat to your security. Therefore, any new premises should have their locks changed, regardless of whether it is a home or a business.


 Re-keying Locks

When an employee leaves a company, he or she may not return the keys and the locks need to be re-keyed. It is advisable to rekey a property to prevent theft and loss. Also, you might have to rekey if you’re cleaning or maintenance personnel comes to your office outside normal business hours, if their personnel change, or if your relationship ends.


Master Key

A business owner should have access to all aspects of his or her company throughout the day. Various employees may have access to different areas. Master keys can solve this problem. Having a master key at your disposal will help you avoid shady deals.

Onestop Locksmith: The Best Tuckahoe Locksmith

The services of a professional locksmith are indispensable in many situations. You should always hire a well-grounded and trustworthy Tuckahoe Locksmith like One stop Locksmith who is always available when you need them.